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About Us

We are the Lazer Robotics, a team from Newton, Massachusetts, in the FIRST TECH CHALLENGE (FTC). Our team comprises six members: Jerry Gong, Noah Pytel, Sahil Rathod, Beatriz Almeida, Ellie Kang, Luana Almeida, and Eden Pytel. Currently, we are competing in our first FIRST TECH CHALLENGE (FTC) season. Over the years, we have achieved world record scores in FIRST LEGO LEAUGE (FLL), including winning the state competition with our Cargo Connect robot and going to Morocco to compete with teams from all over the world. We take great pride in mentoring and inspiring other teams, and we plan to continue doing so in the future.


To reach out to us, send us an email at

Our Team


Jerry Gong 

Eight Years in FIRST
10th grade -  Newton South High School
Captain, Programming,  Mechanical, Outreach


Noah Pytel 

Seven Years in FIRST
10th grade -  Newton South High School
CAD, Mechanical


Sahil Rathod

Seven Years in FIRST
10th grade -  Caroll School
CAD, Mechanical


Beatriz Almeida 

Two Years in FIRST
10th grade -  Newton South High School
Programming,  Mechanical 


Ellie Kang

Two Years in FIRST
8th grade -  Weston Middle School

Outreach, Documentation 


Luana Almeida

Two years in FIRST
 8th grade -  Brown Middle School

 Builder, Driver


Eden Pytel

Two Years in FIRST
8th grade -  Brown Middle School

Outreach, Documentation, Social Media


Ron Gong 

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